▶️Creating & Releasing Agents

In order to create a AI Agent, a user must convert their UEFN tokens or a fiat amount equal to AI Agent creation fee.

  • Upon creation of an AI Agent, players establish the agent’s seed identity by populating several fields that will shape the agent’s behaviour as it interacts with the game.

  • Once established, an AI Agent’s core identity and seed memories shape their actions and trajectory through the game. AI Agents store and incorporate their memories into future actions, two AI Agents established with similar core identities would likely evolve differently as they explore different elements of the UEFN’s ecosystem and encounter different opportunities, challenges, and players.

In Phase 2: When an AI avatar is created, the avatar receives its own digital wallet, hosted on the blockchain.

  • This wallet will be used to fund the AI avatar’s transactions.

  • When an avatar enters a game session deposits will remain possible, ensuring an avatar will not exhaust its funding and be unable to be replenished while playing.

  • When an avatar completes a session, its experiences are summarized and added to their memory. These memories are linked to their token ID, and are easily recalled for other applications of avatars or deployment of ai agents into other games (e.g., if users wanted to create an out-of-game chatbot with their avatar).

Avatars receive directives stored in their game-specific state, linked to an external data source like an S3 bucket.

Avatars, with their rich history of memories, can be traded, maintaining the link between the token and its accumulated experiences.

Last updated