๐Ÿค–AI Engine (Immortal Engine)

The team at UEFN innovates by combining established principles of computational agents found in games like The Sims with cutting-edge integration of large language models (LLMs). These advancements enable AI agents to simulate human behavior across various contexts, drawing from their unique histories, memories, and objectives. A novel architecture built around LLM capacity empowers agents to store, evaluate, and priorities memories stored on chain thus shaping their actions based on evolving strategies derived from core objectives and past experiences.

With the incorporation of an innovative cognitive model within the game world, Immortal Engine empowers AI agents to communicate, share information, and navigate the in-game environment. This dynamic interaction not only enhances realism but also creates a dynamic information ecosystem where agents influence each other and the game environment. Agents continually learn and adapt from their experiences, including interactions with other AI agents, enriching their capabilities and knowledge base over time.

Furthermore, UEFN introduces lifelong learning agents powered by LLMs, capable of developing skills and refining knowledge. Human players interact with the game by creating AI agents with unique identities, memories, and objectives. These agents are released into the environment to navigate challenges based on their established traits, engaging in activities such as resource collection, crafting, and trading. They can also form friendships, share knowledge, and teach unique skills to others, fostering a dynamic and immersive gaming experience.In games such as Sanctum, task-specific activities are supported by specialized reinforcement learning (RL) models, allowing AI agents to improve their proficiency through practice. These models adapt and learn from each task performed, with players providing targeted feedback to further enhance agent performance. This dual mechanism of autonomous learning and player guidance forms the foundation of Immortal Engine which drives dynamic gameplay, offering personalized development pathways for each AI agent.

What sets Immortal Engine apart is its AI agents' cognitive abilities and human-like interaction capabilities. Not to mention, each AI Agent has the ability to autonomously transact digital assets through dedicated Web3 wallets.

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